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Can Dental Problems Lead to High Blood Pressure?

Doctor measuring patient's blood pressure

While you might consider that improper brushing and flossing can only put your teeth and gums at risk, many studies in recent years have revealed that people with poor oral health are at a much higher risk of developing several other chronic, long-term health disorders. Experts advocate that maintaining good oral health helps to keep dental problems that are responsible for elevating your blood pressure level in check. Therefore, it’s important to understand the link between dental problems and high blood pressure, and how your dentist can help you in detecting potential indications of high blood pressure.

Dental Problems and High Blood Pressure

According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, hypertension, or high blood pressure, impacts over 20% of all Canadian adults. Usually known as “the silent killer,” hypertension can damage the kidneys and heart arteries and can lead to stroke. Research published in the Journal of Periodontology in 2015 indicated that poor oral hygiene practices can increase your risk of heart attack by 50%. Scientists have also determined that dental problems can even get in the way of your high blood pressure management. Furthermore, the study puts forward that hypertension and gum disease might be related due to the rise in blood pressure and inflammation.

Sound Oral Hygiene Is the Key

While further research on the correlation between dental health and blood pressure is required, study findings continue to back the notion that what impacts an individual’s mouth can impact their body and vice versa. Scientists concluded that oral hygiene should be considered an individual risk factor for high blood pressure. They also recommend observing good gum health habits that can help check and control the problems like periodontal disease. The Canadian Dental Association promotes brushing twice a day and flossing regularly, and seeking annual comprehensive periodontal assessments to avoid periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is curable and mostly reversible with suitable and timely care from your dentist.

How Your Dentist Can Help You

See your dental hygienist every 6 month for a complete periodontal evaluation. Dental hygienists are specially trained to help with all of your periodontal needs It is always better to spot things before they turn problematic, be it gum disease or high blood pressure.